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100 things

my list
09/07/01 ~ 12:00 p.m.

justin has helped me with my topic for today: the list.

you know, the one where you pick 5 celebrities you're allowed to sleep with, despite your significant other. ned knows my first one, for sure, but i don't know if he knows i love the other 4. here they are:

1. seth green
2. ethan embry
3. joshua jackson
4. jared leto
5. ethan hawke

people who know me are probably shaking their heads going, yup, that's holly to a T.

in other news, i am getting 3 new tires today! yay for my car actually driving nicely! sucky that it's costing more $$$, but what can you do? story of my life.

ok... back to work.... stuff to do....


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
