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christmas day!
12/25/04 ~ 11:32 a.m.

good morning! merry christmas!

i got an early morning call from my dad. that was nice of him. he's really making more of an effort with me. now if he didn't live in alabama, i'd love to see him and my little brother from time to time...

last night was fun, david and i had our traditional christmas eve dinner (corned beef, potatoes, cabbage) and we drove around looking at christmas lights. there's one house in santa rosa that goes crazy, i took a few pictures and i'll put them up tomorrow or monday. oh, and i took a nap yesterday and that helped with the bitchiness a LOT. at least i made one reader laugh.

in about 15 minutes, we need to leave to begin christmas day with all parts of david's family: brunch with just the folks, visitng with grandparents #1, dinner with grandma #2, plus the hoardes of children that go along with that side of the family.

i don't know if we'll be home in between all of this. probably not. so have a great day everyone!




two years ago: david brought the magic back to my christmas again.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
