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100 things

the day after
12/26/04 ~ 8:16 a.m.

well, it may be the day after christmas, but it's still christmas to me because i have two more family functions to go to. we should be leaving NOW for my grandma's house (but i still need to get dressed), and then we'll go to my mom's house for the afternoon.

yesterday was... yikes. you know how every family has its dirty laundry? well, david's mom's family has a HUGE pile, one that keeps his mom and aunt from speaking because of an incident between the cousins that may or may not involve false accusations. well, i stumbled into a corner with the aunt yesterday, and needless to say, she now LOVES david and i because we're "on her side" or something, but really, i just agreed with her that her son isn't a criminal. not that i've ever met him. so that was sticky.

as far as gifts, i didn't get a lot. i got a cool game (apples to apples) and we played it. at the other side of the family's celebration i got a popcorn tin and a computer game that plays casino games.

the real winner so far this christmas season is brooke. she got a RING. yup folks, brooke and robert are ENGAGED!!! she called me right away to tell me. he did it on christmas morning, in front of her family. i don't know any wedding details, i don't know if they've set a date, but i know i will be seeing her in january and this will be ALL we talk about. wooooo! i can live vicariously through my friend!

alright. clothes, shoes, blow dry hair, grab presents, get out the door. off i go!


one year ago: What do you hope the new year brings? a bit more comfort financially.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
