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100 things

quotes are fun
10/20/04 ~ 3:40 p.m.

quote of the day:

"i have no wild mushrooms. i don't even have domestic mushrooms with bad-ass tendencies." ~little earthquakes

(i'm loving this book, can you tell?)

the biggest loser
10/20/04 ~ 11:06 a.m.

i watched a new reality show last night. it was called the biggest loser. it's a show that thinks it's all healthy because there's no "sucking, starving, or cutting" and they're doing it the old fashioned way with "diet and exercise". i put that in quotes because "diet" translates into the contestants not knowing what to eat and "exercise" must be a synonym for "overexertion until one vomits."

so, yeah. the premise is that there are 12 fat people, and they are in two groups. each group competes to see who will lose the most per week. the group that loses has to vote someone off of the island. and there are challenges! of course. remember... it's a reality show.

so anyways, each group has a different trainer, each with a different philosophy. the red team's trainer is a boot camp bitch. her diet is called the "eat less" diet, and it's all about low calorie, small portions, and lower carb. the blue team has a more spiritual leader, who had them bonding before exercise and started off wonderfully, but then he eventually ended up pushing them like a boot camp as well. his "eat more" diet is basically "eat a lot of lettuce so you think you're full." everyone was missing the meat.

so the upshot? someone lost 22 pounds in the first week.


and they weren't alone. people lost 20, 15, 13, 12.... and the person who lost the least only lost 3 pounds.

the second smallest loss was 5 pounds. but see, this girl started out at 167 pounds, by far the lightest contestant. and, lest we all forget in the midst of the reality craze, that's more than a person should be losing a week.

but, you guessed it, her team lost the least total, and she was eliminated.

bacially, my point is that this show is a horrible model of weightloss. it's unhealthy, it's unrealistic, and it's horrifying.

will i watch it next week?

you betcha.

(cross posted from my diet diary)


one year ago: no entry
two years ago: guess it's time for me to sit back, like i just moved a chess piece, and wait for them to make their move.
three years ago: suddenly, mike is topping to the ground, jenny is trying to hold him up and he ends up laying on the concrete, laughing his ass off. he fully tripped over a BLUE concrete parking block.
four years ago: no entry

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
