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100 things

baby, i love your new face
07/30/01 ~ 8:21 a.m.

well, it's done. my layout has made full transition. i like it. it's cute, and smooth, and clean, and all of those good things. martika did an excellent job!

don't be sad jeffy. your layout was awesome and i saved the code, if you want it. it was just time for a change, you know? i know you know.

what do you guys think? (i know amy doesn't like it... she doesn't appreciate the cuteness of baby gonzo) tell me in my guestbook or hop on over and tell martika what a good job she did.

i didn't sleep well last night. because i stayed up so late and slept in so late saturday-sunday, i could not sleep last night. i'll be tired come about 12 today.

i am signing away my soul to wells fargo for a $4,500 loan. grrr. i said i was going to do this moving out thing, no matter what i have to do, and high interest, small loans are what i'm getting right now.

well, now i must organize my resume and fax it on over to the mortgage company in davis. wish me luck!!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
