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100 things

i don't know why you say goodbye, i say hello
07/29/01 ~ 9:01 p.m.

so i'm done. i am ready to load up the truck and move on out. i'm a little sad. not much, though. i won't miss my brother's electric guitar, my brothers eating and drinking everything, my brothers on the phone, my brothers coming in my room. hmm. basically i won't miss my brothers.

i will miss my mom. her and i get along very well whenever my brothers aren't around. and i know she's sad to see me go.

i just hope all my stuff will fit! i have a lot of shit i didn't know i had. and i have to go through it and throw stuff out.

ned will be here on FRIDAY! that's only 5 days away. so happy.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
