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100 things

tarintino rocks the house
04/17/04 ~ 9:13 a.m.

kill bill: vol 2 was awesome. if you liked the first one, go see this one NOW. seriously. i'm not going to say much more, don't want to ruin anything. i just want to say that there were a million plot options that tarantino could have taken throughout the whole movie, so it keeps you guessing. sometimes i predicted what would happen next; sometimes i didn't. it ruled.

my boss just left to go to an appointment and will be gone for 2+ hours. i have nothing to do. nothing. i knew this before coming in today, so i came prepared. i have pictures to crop for scrapbooking and all my cutting tools (circle cuts, little paper cutter thing, etc) with me.

jenn* is coming to visit tomorrow - the first time she's come to santa rosa since i moved 9 months ago. i feel a little stressed that the house is messy and i wish i was at home right now instead of sitting at work with nothing to do. i have some tidying up to do, some clean landry to hang, i'd like to give the bathroom a quick once over...

it also sucks that i won't be home for the rest of the day after i get off work. david and i are going to watch tim* perform in "a funny thing happened on the way to the forum" tonight. and while that will be loads of fun and i'm looking forward to it, it doesn't give me much time to clean!!! i was hoping to DDR today, too.

justine* called me last night! it was really super random because yesterday while i was bored at work, i googled some of my friends names, and i grabbed a new phone number for her off of a website for her raido station she manages. i was planning on calling her! we didn't actually talk because i was already in bed and i ignored the phone. but i'll call her back today. :)

and that, my friends, is the story for today. now i bid you adieu.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
