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100 things

second best?
04/16/04 ~ 10:17 a.m.

ok, so yesterday i was gushing about DDR. how much i love it, how fun it is that david and i play together, how we're equal skill levels....

well, last night i think he passed me up. his video game skills are just better than my dancing skills. and i can't hear the beat/rythmn of songs unless they're really obvious. so yeah, every song, he'd kick my ass. and i'd get frustrated. i can be a pretty gracious loser the first 100 times. but after that... i get bitchy.

is it bad to be pissed off when your boyfriend beats you? am i just a sore loser? let me point out that he not only wins at this, he wins at everything. sure, usually it's video game related. we play dr. mario-- him at skill level 13, me at 4. i win maybe 1 out of every 10 games. we play car racing games-- he comes in 1st place, i come in 4th (you know, cuz the computer is better than me, too). board games? i'm great at them. but david is better - clue, scrabble, monopoly... i just can't win. poker? forget it. hey, he can play guitar and sing, i'm practically tone deaf and musically uninclined.

and it's not just silly stuff. it's true with real life issues, too. he's a better driver, has better credit, doesn't have weight/eating issues, got better grades, is smarter, is better at computers, saves his money better...

it's hard to feel like i'm second best all the time. sure, i love him and i love all the things that's he's great at, but gosh darn it, i want to win sometimes!!

ok, so there are a few things i'm better at. i make $14/hr, he makes $12. i'm a better swimmer (even though i hate swimming nowadays). he swears i'm better at html (that remains to be seen- i just modify pre-exisitng html). he can't bake food in the oven, he only cooks in a pan.

but life shouldn't be a competition! i don't want to analyze our strengths and weaknesses to death. fact is, it's great that david is great at everything. it's part of the reason he's so wonderful. and we're great together. we're equally good at loving each other and taking care of each other. and that's what matters.

but you better believe i will be practicing DDR when he's not there, so i can beat him next time!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
