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100 things

04/01/04 ~ 3:12 p.m.

so, this is part 3 in my knee drama.

i talked with my mom about it, looking for advice. she feels that it would be best to leave my employers out of the loop for the time being. i haven't told them, and no one asked about my dr.'s appt yesterday. i am going to try and push the date back as far as i can, possibly 6 months or more. that way, i've been in this current position for about a year and i'm more established.

today, i got the MRI scheduled. that will be done april 12th. then my follow-up appointment with the orthopedic doctor is april 30th. see? a whole month is used up right there!

an ACL surgery is a pretty big thing to recover from. the doctor told me it would be 4-6 weeks (and 4 is only if i kick ass at physical therapy). and that's just the time i can't drive and will have to be off work. i may need one crutch after that. it will be one of those deals where i have only two tiny scars that look like dots, and screws put in my knee, along with a ligament transplant. craziness.

for now, i have to quit all high-impact exercise, because it's making my knee worse. i guess i knew that... step aerobics nearly killed me a few months ago, and now i can only run a few times before it bothers me. the main thing with an ACL tear isn't the pain, though. in itself, the tear doesn't hurt. the symptoms of the tear are only weakness and instability, which is why i can fall easily and my knees give way. the pain only happens when they *do* give way, and other muscles are strained in the process.

i'm not as upset right now because i'm just trying to take it one step at a time. right now, i have two more appointments coming up, and i can't look beyond that yet.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
