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exercise: it's a part of my life now
09/25/03 ~ 7:18 p.m.

exciting: new episode of FRIENDS!!! yay yay yay!

i don't feel super well today. headache, ate too much before dinner cuz i was too hungry since lunch, PMSy, all that stuff. blah, blah, blah.

hopefully a workout will make me feel better. i am still losing weight because of all my workouts. i must remind myself that i HAVE to workout. it must be part of my routine.

oh, after filling out my new hire paperwork tomorrow, i am an official blockbuster employee. woo for me! it'll be a few nights a week and weekends, for some extra cash and hopefully a little fun.

well, i must run. only 40 minutes left in which to DO that workout. which i am DOING. NOW.

UPDATE: it's 8:44 pm, it's a commercial, and i did my workout! yay me. i'm all sweaty and gross though. woo.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
