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100 things

pointless rambles
08/12/03 ~ 12:42 p.m.

what to talk about today? i don't have one topic, i have random thoughts. here i go.

i got a new belt! it's got star cutouts and is really cute and i still have 3 notches to go... my other belt i had gotten down to the last notch.

one of our client's husbands died in a freak car accident... it scared me. i had to give david a big hug and just do my best to cherish all the time i have with him because sometimes things like this aren't avoidable.

d-dee made coffee. i had 2 cups (with sugar, of course). now i'm all jittery. she informed me she made it STRONG. oops. so now i'm eating my soup and green beans to try and cushion it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my hands are shaking. i don't like this feeling. HOW do people drink coffee every day????

this soup is kinda weird. sigh. it's veggie clam somthing or other.

jeannine made a new message on the answering machine at our old place, and she did it in spanish cuz she's weird. so this creditor called for me and left a message in spanish, HAHAHAH. dumb creditors.

cooking classes start next monday!! fun times!!

that's all i have for you right now. happy tuesday,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
