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100 things

i needed a prompt to write an entry today
08/07/03 ~ 2:36 p.m.

here's two pieces of you topics for ya today:

If you were, or could become any animal, what would it be and why?

people have told me this before - i was was an animal, i'd be a ferret. they are hyper and curious and friendly. they're unique.

How far would you go for $500,000 in the Big Brother house? How would you conduct yourself?

my tactic would be my everyday tactic - just be nice. i am a painfully nice person all the time. sometimes TOO nice and people walk all over me. that would probably happen in this case. i'd be really nice and then some bitch would backstab me and i'd be kicked off. i'm not conniving enough to last until the end of one of these shows.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
