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100 things

crossing fingers for david
07/23/03 ~ 8:21 a.m.

so. david's interview went pretty well. he liked the architect guy, he'd do all sorts of office stuff and also learn drafting programs and how to be an architect over time. it's a small company (david would be #4), which david would love. it's a half second away from the apartments we want, and will pay at least $11/hr. he finds out on monday. ::cross fingers:: this would be much better than a 4-6 week temp position, for the same pay, over 30 minutes away. then we could GET OUT OF HERE. which i desperately need.

plans for the week:

- today and friday, after work, david and i are going to the park to do our hike/swim combo for some good exercise.

- thursday afternoon we don't have anything planned.

- saturday we're going to go to the sonoma county fair, which is literally david's front yard. but hey, we don't have to pay for parking! we shouldn't have to pay to get in just because of the hassle of people and traffic and carnies we have to put up with. but. i digress.

- sunday, i'm driving out to novato, which is a halfway point between santa rosa and vallejo. i'm meeting brooke* for shopping, a movie, and lunch. we need some girl time.

the weekend after next, we're going to a ren faire with david's friends. one of their wives is even going to set me up with a costume. she used to sew them so she has a lot of items "in stock" as it were, plus she's similar in size to me. i was teasing david about how much cleavage i should aim for. ha ha.

i know, i still need to write more about the job and the surprise visit from the big boss. so i'm putting this here to remind myself.

and with that, i'm outti. have a great day everyone!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
