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100 things

07/13/03 ~ 2:18 p.m.

i just posted 5 entries for pieces of you. check them out if you like. or not. whatever.

so, it's sunday. i'm at david's friend chris's house. it's where he goes to roleplay. all i do while i am here is play online. which is good because i've had such withdrawls lately, and when we go back to his parent's house tonight, i will once again be almost cut off from the internet.

update on my days... working backward from today:

yesterday, we went out on my mom's boat. fun times. we went on the tube, we swam around, david learned how to dive, and we got sunburned. (ouch!) then we returned to my mom's house, had dinner, and watched lara croft.

friday, we did... not much. david worked, i ran 3 miles on the treadmill, we swam, we fought because i got all anal and diet nazi-like cuz i gained 2 lbs and i freaked out about it, we recovered and made lunch, we grocery shopped, we had dinner, and we watched charlie's angels 2 on the computer.

thursday, we decided to leave santa rosa once again and head for davis. we were stuck at a point where david had no interviews on thursday or friday and we needed to get away. when we got back to davis, david went in to work (his part time job in davis) and faxed a ton of resumes off. i mailed stuff at the post office.

then i picked him up and met his boss. wow... david's talked about him in his diary, so i will just say that he was a very interesting man. he's legally blind, but 3 years ago he had an experimental surgery that restored his vision slightly. like, he can see shapes and contrasts. which is still basically nothing. but he acts like he can see everything, and he just GOES. we helped him move boxes from his garage into a storage unit, and he was up in the attic, grabbing things and throwing them down to us. it was amazing. so that was an interesting evening, plus we both got paid! woo.

wednesday, we were in santa rosa. we got AAA insurance, and then we hung out with david's friends will and allen. allen was not what i pictures. with that name, i saw a nedy, white, computer guy. allen is of native american descent and has hair down to his waist. he's also a chain smoker, i saw him smoke almost an entire pack throughout the day. so the four of us went to pirates of the carribean. (i was surprised allen made it thorough the whole thing without a smoke!) it was an enjoyable movie, nothing earth shattering, but good enough. then we returned to allen's house and david played guitar. we hung out so long i got bored with them, but i didn't really want to go back to david's parents', so we stayed. then we went to the mall and had dinner. i had a salad and longingly watched the rest of them eat chines food. sigh.

tuesday, most of the day was a blur. david and i took a nap. for a lot of it. but at 5:15 was when i got the call that i had a job! woo. we went to the mall that evening just for fun, i spent a sam goody gift certificate and bought 2 movies. then we went home, ate a late dinner, and watched never been kissed.

monday, i had an appointment with a temp agency. then we scouted out car insurance companies. sometime later, we went to the park and jogged and ran for a few miles. eh. that was a week ago, not too sure about what happened.

sunday.... um. we were home in davis. we swam.

ok, i'm caught up. i know this was long. very, very long. but i have a little more in me.

plans for this week:

monday - 1st day of work. hopefully have a little fun and get to know my coworkers (all 3 of them). come home tired, eat dinner, sleep.

tuesday, wednesday - repeat.

thursday - OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! (doesn't it seem like we've been together eons longer than that?) i still have to work, but after work we're going to go out and celebrate.

friday - ending my first week of work. i predict exhaustion from staying up late the night before.

ok. that's it. check in with you guys later...sometime... i don't know when.

cross fingers for david to get a job!!! ok that's really it.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
