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100 things

friday five(s)
07/11/03 ~ 11:09 a.m.

1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it?
yes, my best friends were molly and jennifer, from 2nd grade to 4th grade. WAIT! no! i had a best friend on my street, named erin, when i was ages 5-7.

2. Are you still in touch with this person?
not really. they were very mean and hated me through most of school. i saw them after high school at a reunion, and we've all grown up so much that we're ok. but we don't email or anything. erin -- she moved away and we lost touch. i have no idea where she is now.

3. Do you have a current close friend?
i have a few. but close as in proximity? when i officially move to santa rosa, brooke* will be the closest one, at 45 minutes away.

4. How did you become friends with this person?
since i mentioned brooke, i'll go with her. she got hired to take the position i left when i got promoted (at polycomp). i trained her for the job, and jsut tried to be super friendly. i kept asking her to come to lunch with me, and we became good friends that way.

5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why?
i would have said "jenny with the blue hair" but we *did* get back in contact! we've seen each other a few times in the last year, and it was awesome to reconnect with an old friend. she's exactly the type of peron i want to be friends with - independant, intellegent, interesting, creative. she's awesome.

and the one i missed.....

1. What were your favorite childhood stories?
i was an avid reader of the babysitters club books. and sweet valley twins and sweet valley high. it was all about the fluff, people.

2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children?
i've kept agatha christie books that are easy reading. also the harry potter books are great for kids and adults alike. i'll be sharing them with my neices and nephews though, as i don't want kids.

3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything?
not surprised... i re-read the babysitter books well into my late teens, before i got rid of them. they were always the same.

4. How old were you when you first learned to read?
i was 3. i learned early cuz my mom always read to me.

5. Do you remember the first 'grown-up' book you read?
hm. lord of the flies, in 6th grade. do you think 6th graders should read that? ugh.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
