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good articles
05/21/03 ~ 4:29 p.m.

as much as i enjoyed my entry where all i did was pimp david's diary, i have a real entry for today too.

it's brought to you by none other than my college paper, the aggie.

firstly, i'd like to commend the good timing of the column my high school buddy jeffy wrote for today's paper. it just confirms my entry from yesterday about how i'm not a college student and i'm old. here's a quick quote if you don't feel the need to check out the whole article:

"By the time they turn 22, most people here have either blown this popsicle stand or are very close to doing so. For some reason, it�s customary to grab your diploma, load up the car, leave town so fast people have to speculate whether or not you joined the federal Witness Protection Program, and extend your middle finger to the campus that gave you your degree one last time as you cruise down the freeway."

of course, he did figure out the REAL reason i feel this way:

"We do think most 18-year-olds are stupid. The rub lies in the fact that we feel old because we�re not stupid in the same way anymore and we miss it."

ok, then there was an entire section in the middle about depression and body images. one was about eating disorders:

"The hardest part for girls is dealing with the double standard society places on them. �I get criticized for being on a diet from people who know that I�m restricting calories, but those who do not know compliment me on what a good job I�ve done,� [some random student] said."

the other mainly addressed male body images and disorders, but it had a quote that really rang true for me:

"Health experts say that the often confusing university setting produces a unique set of pressures. 'There is an issue with college students,' said [some doctor]. 'They�re leaving home, working on identity issues. There�s something very specific about the college atmosphere. No one is monitoring themselves here.' "

this is true. the college environment is SO BAD for the body image. i mean, check out this quote from some student:

�You walk outside at Davis when it�s sunny, and you see all these girls in bikinis.�

i vow now that i will only lose until i am healthy and not strive to be bone-thin or fit into size 2's. ok?

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
