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100 things

yesterday's entry
05/15/03 ~ 9:15 a.m.

krista, i am so sorry i spoiled 2 things for you. there is MUCH more though, that's true. i feel really bad because i know how it feels: i read a diary before the last episode of bachelorette and found out she chose ryan. but i read it at like 7 pm, not thinking about how I'M IN CALIFORNIA! oops.

so, when i posted the entry, i *did* think about it -- and knew that i am the last time zone, and that anyone who would have taped it wouldn't have read my entry. i'm am sorry, but i didn't know.

ok, on to the real entry:


the internet is down.

what am i going to do with my life? i've already planned dinner, grocery shopped, did a grueling workout on the treadmill (3 minutes shaved off my walk/run mile!), and showered.

so i'm typing a diary entry in notepad. yes, i'm that pathetic.

i had a random day at work. once again, they had nothing for me to do. and there was this huge tech faire downtown, so they sent me off to that. i walked a lot (yay, extra exercise) and saw a lot of boring stuff, but there were highlights.

- 2 free t-shirts. sure, i'll never wear them and they're too big for david, but hey. free!

- free pens, magnet, letter opener, extender plug thingy, phone jack untangler, and ID clip belt clip thingy.

- very smart talking robot!! made by the johnny five inventor (or so he claimed.) they took my picture with him and made a button out of it. he was so cool. he answered all my questions coherently, and impressed the hell out of me.

- i won a raffle so i got to go in a money vaccuum. you know, one of those things where the money blows around in the air and you have to catch it in 15 seconds? well... in this one a lot of the money is fake. so i caught $3, and a priae: a sweet coffee mug (too bad i don't drink coffee!)

- i got paid the whole time. woo.

well, i need to start preparing dinner. i'm making a low-cal, low-fat creamy white sauce from scratch. and chicken and noodles, too. i rule.

internet...... come back! i miss you. i need you.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
