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100 things

rings, swimming, jeannine, and hunger
04/19/03 ~ 10:42 a.m.

i'd kinda stopped joining rings, just left the ones up that i have. but i found two new ones that i HAD to join:

ok, WHY did i not make that one??? i'm not sure. but it's perfect for me. oh, and of course:

woo. gotta love those girls.


well, just got home from a time trial thing at swim practice. it was kinda like a mini-meet so we could do some races and get our times. i did 4 events, and the whole thing lasted about an hour. whew! that's a lot of racing, i was really tired by the last event. which was a 500 free (20 laps!).

so i got my times and i am declaring these my "starting times". i'm not counting what i used to have when i was actually good. in fact, i'm not even looking them up. i have newspaper articles and stuff with them in it but i don't want to know. i have a vague idea though, and let's just say, i was MUCH faster then.


david and i talked with jeannine about our issues and all is good. she's not mad at us, she understands the new kitchen policy, and is happy we are working to keep it clean. she misses hanging with us too and is stressed from school. so that was part of the bad vibes, also.

so last night, jeannine and i rented a movie and she braided my hair into tons of tiny braids. it's pretty cool. when i get the cable for my camera, i'll show you. so we got some quality hanging out time, yay.


well, i haven't eaten yet and my stomach is yelling about that fact. it's like, "you woke up at 7:45, didn't feed me, swam 4 races, didn't feed me, and now you're on the computer??? HELLO!!!!"

gonna go handle that. toodles,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
