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100 things

love me, love me
03/14/03 ~ 2:29 p.m.

happy PI day. hee.

dude, i just noticed that i have more than 100 fans! yay, that's been a goal of mine for a long, long time. i feel loved.

i have one more class left for this quarter. it feels good to know that. then 4 in-class finals and one take home. i'm getting so close... i can almost TASTE my diploma.

so no one said anything about my sexual entry. i expected a whole lot of "holly! but i thought you were so innocent!" guestbook signings. or "hell yeah! that's what i want to read! give us more!" -- from sammi, especially. you're letting me down, people! (j/k)

give me some love, guys. i need it.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
