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100 things

i need cheese to go with my...
03/11/03 ~ 8:49 p.m.

yes, i'm a whiny bitch lately. it's not even pms time, i don't think. but hey, they are valid topics: lame ass in-laws, school, food, and everyone's favorite: money. this will be the topic for today.

the lack of money is a problem. when you find out that you are down to $45, and david is down to $55, and you aren't getting your next financial aid (read: LOANS that we eventually have to PAY BACK) until april 1st, you feel a little tight. then when your car insurance broker (david and i have the same account) calls and tells you that you owe the next 6 months payment, which is over $100... you are not so happy.

eep. we had to resort to asking david's mom to spot us till the 1st. my mother, on the other hand, will tell me all abot HER money troubles, and not give me anything. in fact, she'll even keep the $100 refund from my old car insurance that came back because my car is dead. argh.

i'm indebted to david's mom. this is not a good thing. sigh.

here's a few quick little whines:

dinner was so spicy that i drank like 5 glasses of milk with it to try to kill the spice. and had applesauce. and ice. well, it didin't work and now i am SO FULL and BLOATED i feel sick. if i didn't have a phobia and i didn't think it would burn coming up, throwing up would be a good option to relieve the pain. as is, i'm trying to burp often.

i have a program due tomorrow night and i haven't started it, nor do i intend to do so tonight. waaa. i no likey the school.

my muscles hurt. david does massage them, so i guess i don't really get to whine about that.

you know what? can't think of other things to whine about. i could go with the tried and true: losing weight is hard. waaaaaaaaaaah.

ok, a fun thing. check out what i made! you get to see my handwriting as well as my signature. plus you can learn my last name! cut me some slack on the neatness factor though, guys. it's like writing in paint.

i think i want to seek comfort in david's arms. how lucky i am to have him. i think i am allowing myself to let out my feelings a little more cuz i know i have him to lean on. i used to keep it bottled up tight. now i'm either not as strong as i used to be, or just more loved.

hmmm. maybe if i pour him some alcohol, i can get the kind of lovin' he gave up last night. rawr.



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* check the cast page for details about this person!
