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100 things

the secret revealed
02/20/03 ~ 8:30 a.m.

i'm closing in on entry 800. wow.

so some of you were pretty stumped with the mind reader, huh? yeah, it's pretty tricky. i'm going to give you a hint and one more chance to figure it out on your own. i'll tell ya the secret at the end of this entry.

hint: open the page. pick about 10 numbers, write them on a paper. figure out what number they correspond to when you do the adding and subtracting. write those next to the original numbers. now look at the chart and notice what symbol is next to them. notice anything? click the ball now. hmmmm. click try again... and NOW look at what sybol is next to your 10 numbers. hmmmm? if you still don't get it, the full answer is below.

i'm at work. scared my supervisor is going to round the corner any second. eep.

yay for the bachelorette. i had an "oops" last night. i went to check my fave. diaries, forgetting that people in other staes have already seen the ending. i saw who won. i didn't read the whole entry to see what happened, but damn. i hate ruined surprises. =( but i can say that i am happy it was ryan. i was suprised -- i thought she'd pick charlie, but she really ruled and picked the good guy! yay!

[end talking about silly reality tv now]

i am tired. (what else is new, huh?) david was up typing an essay last night so it took me awhile to fall asleep. then back to work. sigh.

ok, answer to the mind reader: all possible answers are mulitples of 9. each time the page loads, all possible answers are given the same symbol. this changes each time the page loads, so if you try it more than once, it's different. however, there are only a certain number of possible answers.

don't worry... it tricked me for a while too. ;P

happy thursday... thank god the weekend is almost here!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
