new old guestbook about me links

cast pictures aim dreams diet log

100 things

a little better
01/22/03 ~ 4:26 p.m.

so, after writing that last entry, david noticed i was getting nothing done, came over, and had me go outside for a walk with him. i let a few tears fall, tried to explain, and he just held my hand.

i came back to 3 guestbook entries. sammi, bobbi jo, and elli, you guys are wonderful. people also commented in my forum. all those positive thoughts and encouragements helped.

i'm not fully better, but i'm cheered up enough to think that a google i got is totally hilarious. "my parents are making me wear a leg cast" brought up this page as it's number 3! all those words are on the page at some spot, but not together. how funny. i also got googled for "free pictures of huge breasts", which is always good. not sure which page that one brought up.

The Plan (tm):

english class in 10 minutes, then home. return library books and work key. do workout video. eat healthy dinner with over 400 calories. watch dawson's creek and bachelorette. sleep.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
