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workin' hard.
12/01/02 ~ 4:48 p.m.

i've actually been productive today. after sleeping in till almost 11, playing on the compuer for an hour, and eating my small lunch, i got in gear.

i worked out, showered, super cleaned the bathroom (organized, scrubbed, mopped, etc.), cleaned the room, vaccuumed the room and hall, cleaned off the kitchen table, organized my desk, did a load of dishes, took out all the trash and recycling, broke a wine glass, cleaned it up, wiped down the kitchen, and collapsed. *whew*

hope the roomies like it!

i have an less than two hours before i have to go to matt's house to work on some project stuff for my evil group. i think i'm going to read a little, maybe nap too. i already set my alarm clock just in case!

DAVID COMES HOME TONIGHT!!!! i'm with bobbi when she says "I am not one of those pathetic people that can't be without their boyfriend for more than five minutes" but i have been missing him so i'm happy he'll be back.

happy 21st birthday elli!!! sounds like your boyfriend was super romantic and that rules. you're lucky. hope the rest of the day is great! (and thanks for the GB note!)

someone else i just mentioned and i share a birthday, which is in 11 days! she'll be 21! woo. i'll be plain old 22.

k, think that's it.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
