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100 things

yes, i'm slacking
08/30/02 ~ 10:50 a.m.

no time. no time to update. until NOW! mwahahaha.

tired. oh so very tired.

although i caught up on some sleep last night, and my human alarm clock, also known as my better half, woke me up. mmmm. now he's being evil and eating a big breakfast while i sit here with my slim fast shake and apricot. good thing i'm so enamoured with him. =) (and it's for my own good. he's not being evil, just doing what he's supposed to.)

this might be long. just warning you. since i have a few days to cover.

first though, go see what amy wrote in my guestbook (entry 607) about the tahoe trip. hee hee. hey, while you're there, why don't you sign?? but then come back here!!

next, i never answered the topics people asked in my guestbook when i was begging. bad, bad me. so let's see.

"How do you feel about war widows getting discounts on their bus passes?"

um. doh.

"If you had a transvestite potato head, what would you name it?"


"Janet Jackson is neither a jack nor a son. Discuss."

but yet, michael seems to have a new son. what the hell is this world coming to???

"I was wondering if you and Heather are going to keep in touch now that she is moving out?"

yep, we haven't hung out yet, but i'm sure we will. we left on good terms, just, "i'm ready for you to leave" terms. =)

"Justin -- when is his birthday and what is his middle name?"

well, justin b's brithday is july 19th. his middle name is ryan. justin a's birthday is may 2nd, and his middle name is william. (justin, don't kill me if i'm wrong!)


now here's my question to you guys... who here has found david's diary yet? i don't think you are trying very hard!!! cuz it's pretty easy and all that.

let's see. where did i leave off in life of holly?

tuesday afternoon? sigh. well, tuesday i went to class, worked, came here, did homework while david cooked dinner (he's so sweet), worked out late at night, and generaly didn't do much else.

wednesday -- school, cable got hooked up, i tried to nap, didn't work, worked out, and made a fantastic spinich stuffed pork tenderloin that took me hours to cook, basically cuz i didn't have a BBQ (got it from the sophomores), charcoal (travers), lighter fluid (travers), OR matches (travers). ha. plus, i also lack the know-how of operating a BBQ correctly, so i had it flaming and such and it was al crazy. never fear, dinner was still good.

then yesterday, i worked in the morning, went to my one class, and came home. david and i took our bikes to get fixed. his is back already. mine is so bad that the guy was like, "oh no! look at that wobble... oh god! there too! how do you ride this thing???" yeah. i should get it back tuesday.

then i went with jenn to check out her new place. it's pretty damn cool, i'm excited for her. =) then i came home and david and i dragged our sleep asses to the cantina so we weren't bailing on our friends. of course, they didn't show up till an hour later cuz of aiport delays, but whatever. in that time, i got to see jeffy, his mr. bestfriendinthewholewideworld, and jeremy. then adam, krystal, and her two roomies, eric and lauren, arrived. there was dancing. it was hot and sweaty. david danced with me like he always does, even though it's not his favorite thing. =) yay.

so after a while of sweaty nastiness, and a few incidents of freaking up against jeffy while he shyed away, we came home. david remarked that i act different around adam, that i seem like i still have a crush on him. that really saddened me cuz i don't at all. adam's name used to give me butterflies, now it's david's name that does it. i was so happy dancing with my arms around david, i could have cared less if adam was right next to me or 80000 miles away. i don't know why it is that i act different. maybe i don't know how to act around him or something.

this isn't a problem or anything. in fact, it was just something david pointed out, not jealously or anything. hopefully it's because he knows that he has nothing to worry about, that i plan to stay right by his side for years and years and years. i want him to be there, with me, as the years go by. i can see us changing and growing together, and i can see him always being there. i mean, look at us:

we rule.

ok, i think i'm about done now. comments are, of course, welcome. maybe david will sign and give you a hint of where to find him. =)


Hint? Bah! --David

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
