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100 things

not much to say
03/30/01 ~ 7:56 a.m.

it's friday. i'm at work early. i have a headache. yuck.

aside from all that, i'm going to the guster concert tonight with jeffy. this should be good, it's been awile since i've been to a concert. tomorrow night is *everclear* ! i don't have a ticket because i don't want to pay $30 to see everclear open for matchbox twenty. instead, i am opting to cruise on down, find my roadie, get backstage, and enjoy from there. this is normal, right? my friend christie is supposed to do this with me, but i have yet to get ahold of her. check us out at the last concert we didn't have tickets to: bottom of the hill. it's my review of the show, plus pictures. awesome, awesome, awesome! this show, being at san jose ARENA (aka, huge-ass place) cannot possibly live up to that experience, so i am only expecting a little bit of fun =).

i have a new friend in the making, and i'm happy about it. her name is bobbi and i found her diary randomly by checking the rost recently updated diaries section looking for cool layouts. she has a section where she wants people to send her postcards, and i am *so* going to do that. in fact, i thought about buying a postacrd yesterday but unfortunately, target doesn't sell them. i have to find a really cool one anyways. then it's on it's way. plus she has the same birthday as me! and she has adopt-a-cute-picture things on her page. here's one:

that's really all today. i'm good, life is good, etc.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
