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100 things

ned's response
07/22/02 ~ 10:04 a.m.

today, i am off to tutoring, then chinese buffet (woot!!), then work, then home, where i will hopefully do at least a little cleaning. not too exciting of a day. oh well. that's what summer is for!

ok... got ned's response.... and it's pretty good. check it out:


I had thought we might have run our course too. Hope things are well with you though.

[information about prague for my boss]


i'll tell him about david eventually. for now, i'll just make a list of things that are fantastic about david that always pissed me off abut ned.

-- he loves my cat. he goes right to her and pets her and everything. plus, when she crawls all over us when we're sleeping or cuddling, he doesn't mind.

-- he can sleep WHILE cuddling me. he doesn't roll over and go to sleep.

-- he doesn't mind PDAs. he'll hold my hand, put his arm around me, and (god forbid!!) even give me quick kisses.

-- he sends me text messages, or calls me when i haven't told him to.

-- he has his driver's license (oooh, low blow. sorry ned.)

-- he'll dance with me, even though he's not very good. he's even willing to come to swing with me.

-- he lives in this state!!! woo! ha ha ha.

alright, enough gushing. must get dressed. =)



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
