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trying to put some feeling into it
07/13/02 ~ 11:16 a.m.

ok, i know my last few entries have been lacking in substance. so i'm gonna go with what i'm feeling right now.

well a couple of days ago, i was feeling kinda mopey cuz i want to cuddle with someone. thoughts of david are dancing in my mind. i'm not attracted to him... but there's just something about him. i like being around him a lot. sigh. but i think i just want someone, ya know? and that's not right to use him like that. so i'm trying to not do anything. plus, that day i was a little more mopey cuz i forgot to take my medication. oops. maybe i should take it today too. heh.

but really, i have lots of guy friends. i look around. luke? carl? justin? david? matt? and i'm not seeing it. but i just don't have the energy to get to know someone else! or to hit on anyone or something, ya know?

jenn and i were at the kick ass bar last night, and i'm looking around thinking, "i don't even want to meet these guys".

i mean, what is that??? god. i suck ass.

well, today should be fun. so far i have david, jenn, jenny, and justin coming over to swim. with possibilities of others. heather and travers are nowhere to be found, which is probably good... they won't get mad about me having people over. plus i have the a/c on. oh no!

speaking of which, jeannine rocks the house. she said, and i quote, "when and if i come out of my room, i could care less what's going on in the living room. group orgies? whatever!" heh.

and that's that. i'm a signing off now, to being my day in the sun. i'm taking the book jenny lent me, that i got her for her b-day. it's called "good in bed" by jennifer weiner. it's good so far and i'm only on page 30! woo. =)

have a fun weekend everyone....


p.s. i totally got googled for "holly fucked". ha ha ha. #11 baby!

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Coolness, man! You are the Blue M&M
You seem to have great presence and direction in your life, and you are the type to make friends with your easy-going nature. Keep that ego of yours checked and problems will steer clear of your aura and seek someone less suave.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
