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100 things

bobbi's house
06/24/02 ~ 1:29 p.m.

yay! i made it to amsterdam. right now i am sitting at bobbi jo's SUPER FAST computer, with wet hair, checking email and such. my weekend in paris was fantastic, and left me exhaused, sore, with blisters on my feet. i don't think i've ever been so sweaty or thirsty in my whole life.

anyways, i've been keeping a travel journal, so when i get home i'll be able to recap my whole trip. but to tide you over, here's a short list of weird things i found in france:

* there are no public drinking fountains

* french people really like the one shoulder tank tops and capris

* they eat dinner at midnight

* no free refills!!

all in all, europe is an experience, making me realize how silly america is. we need to calm down. ;P now i am going to post an entry in bobbi's diary, hee hee. i'll link it here later!



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* check the cast page for details about this person!
