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100 things

blamble, blamble
06/14/02 ~ 12:13 p.m.

take the butt quiz.
and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts?

i am actually doing laundry. i am also bored. but bored is way better than studying. i have things to do, but no real need to do them. such things are: take shower, blow dry hair, change sheets, fill up cat food and water to the top (the self-dispensing kind), throw away all trash in room, clean under bed, clean bathroom (tidy AND washing), do dishes, etc. i'll get to them eventually... i have some of tomorrow to do stuff, too. in between working the concession stand, lunch with jenny's family, and bree's par-tay.

then there's the packing thing. but i need to get all my laundry done and gank my mom's suitcase before that can get accomplished. for now, i'm just gonna make a pile.

i can't believe i'll be in another country in just a few days.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
