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100 things

zzzz, zzzz, and friday five
05/24/02 ~ 11:40 a.m.

oops. i slept through all my classes. guess i needed it though. the only one that worries me is that i can only miss a certain number of french classes. sigh. it'll be fine though.

tonight i am having dinner with my family cuz joey graduates from 8th grade. wow, both brothers in high school. i still think of them as little kids! but i get along with them so much better now than i did when we were kids, so that's good.

i just realized that i've been up for about 15 minutes and not noticed my knee. woo! i mean, it's not perfect, and i haven't tried to jump around or anything, but YAY. "it's getting better all the time..."

wow... haven't done the in a while... here we go:

1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having?
last night there was a whole thing about jenny's family having 2 gay couples living there, and my parents were there fighting and i was agreeing with them that the divorce was good, but eveyone else at the house was dissaproving. oh! and we went on this trip and i was sick and having diarria in the bathroom but jenny was mad cuz i left her alone at the table.

2. Do you have any recurring dreams?
yeah, usually sex dreams involving ned.

3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
i was in a terrorist attack on my school. i woke up pretty freaked out.

4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it?
totally! my dream diary, which i rarely post in, is for just that.

5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it?
yeah, all the time. but it's usually just the tail end of the dream, when i know someone is trying to wake me up.

i LOVE dreams! that was a great FF!

ok, time to get ready for work. can't sleep through that, unfortunately!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
