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100 things

the ideals he once pursued
04/30/02 ~ 4:19 p.m.

added later: just got the best google hit ever. i was #10 on the search for "7th grade hot asian chicks." i kick so much ass.

"we're going to federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison!" ~office space

hmm. do i want 3 optional fields? can i be bothered to fill them out all the time? i'll think about it. could be fun.

so, i was already going to classify today as successful before randomly running into adam. i skipped french class (oh la la) and went to networking. i worked on the crossword puzzle. then i went to the computer labs, where i got some help figuring out how to run the program that proves i'm taking the right classes. i'm SO headed for graduation, baby. i *can* do it by spring 03, but i may push it ahead a quarter or two and take it slow. =)

so, i'm walikng out of the enigneering building, heading home, and who do i bump into? adam! so he asks me to walk with him, we chat about DMS (yay! the link!) which i officially joined this morning, i gave him some pictures, and then i let him go to pick up a test and i came home.

i then proceeded to "be asian" (even more so thant salina) by eating with chopsticks. i also watched office space, hence the earlier quote. now i am pitter-patting away on the keyboard, i'm gonna watch tv, and do some java programming.

it's gonna be nice and lazy and i love it. ooh, i think i'm goona add AIM to my drop-down list so people wil chat with me more too. if you wanna chat with me now, click here.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
