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100 things

what was it about that night?
04/15/02 ~ 7:05 p.m.

where did i leave off? oh yes... "we had only 15 minutes to unpack the cars and get them out of there so that we didn't have to pay per car."

after we dumped everything out of the cars, everyone drove back out of the campsite, but then had to come running back:

we started to set up tents...

well, at least my tent was going up fine. little steve had some trouble with his:

but it eventually got up. then there was some horsing around. little steve threw a football, and it managed to roll down the hill and into the water. adam threw him a little shovel so he could reach it, but it didn't work. so he threw the shovel back up at us, which was very scary, and caused me to hit the deck. i skinned my knee a little. finally dana got down there and helped him:

meanwhile, adam had vacated the scene and had begun to flirt with tiffany. i swear he likes her. but krystal insists tiffany doesn't like him back. i hope she doesn't fall for his charms. so they sat together and petted jessi, the dog:

then ken, travers, and adam went to gather firewood, dana took a nap, heather, little steve, katrina and i played cards, and krystal and tiffany studied while overlooking the lake:

the boys were taking forever to get back, so eventually katrina busted out the colossol dogs and began to cook:

then the boys got back and started cooking the chicken and steaks, and more hot dogs. (see it? it's COLOSSOL!)

we all ate, started drinking a little, and just sat around the fire. it was relaxing.

(me, heather, tiff, krystal)

the sun started to go down, and i took my only great picture of our campsite. it had a beautiful view that i don't seem to have captured as well as i would have liked. oh well. here's the one:

soon, we started to get pretty silly. the boys started downing beers, and ken put on his "drinking hat":

then adam challenged dana to a game of chubby bunny. (where you stuff marshmallows in your mouth and see who can have the most in their mouth while saying "chubby bunny" clearly). krystal mediated:

i don't remember how many they ate, but adam was the winner, hands down!

we sat around the fire and told stories. the kind where one personal starts, and we go around the circle, adding on to the story. it was pretty funny. here's heather, travers, and little steve enjoying it:

then we started a singalong. adam played his guitar (he is so talented) and not only made up songs, but played stuff for us to sing to. we sang tom petty (free fallin'), the beatles (let it be), wild thing, and tons of others that i can't remember. ken also had a guitar on sometimes, and he was getting drunker and louder. he was hilarious.

ken began performing tricks, such as jumping drunkenly over the fire. he told crazy stories about their friend jimmy squeezing breasts, and he sang spanish songs. let me tell you, this guy is a crack up. we kept the fire blazing high cuz travers added on a bunch of firewood every so often:

the adam love triangle got more pronounced as he got drunk. my theory - dana likes him, he likes tiffany, and tiffany doesn't like him back. plus there's me, but i didn't even enter into this group. so dana plays helpless and gets him to walk her and tiffany to the bathroom, and while they are gone, they decide that the 3 of them are going to sleep together in the back of ken's truck. whatever.

while they were gone, i attempted to make some smores, but i was my normal retarded self. i tripped over my sandals and the firewood, cut the crap out of my left leg, and sent the graham crackers flying. after i rescued them, i attempted to roast marshmallows. twice i dropped it off the stick. third time's a charm. i swear i wasn't drunk!

later, we got yelled at by the park ranger for being loud. he came back a few times, too. he was a total bitch. we weren't that loud at all, especially compared to the people across the lake.

the ranger even accosted us 6 girls when we were walking to the bathroom with our toothbrushes. we must have looked threatening or something - 3 girls and a dog.

then the first calamity happened -- while brushing our teeth, some gross ass white trash lady came in the bathroom and managed to let jessi out. we were in total pandomonium -- especially krystal. she was crying. we called and we called, and jessi wouldn't come back. we went back and told the guys, and we had plans for me to take ken's truck so that the headlights could help us find her. ken was pissed and didn't trust me, but i was the only one who could drive a stick (see? comes in handy!). luckily, i didn't have to drive it, because jessi returned to the bathroom and they got her back. whew. see how cute they are?

after all of that commotion, we decided to go to bed. the menage a trois group went into the back of ken's truck, and the rest of us went to our respective tents. i was sharing with krystal and jessi, who was wonderfully cuddly. we talked a bit, but eventually, we both went to sleep. we were awakened at 3 am by tiffany coming to join us cuz the truck had gotten uncomfortable. after she got in, jessi managed to bust out, and we had our second jessi fiasco of the evening. this one was much shorter, and we got her back in the tent. then we all went to sleep again.

i'm lucky i'm a deep sleeper, because the people across the lake were loud all night. heather hardly slept at all. plus krystal kept waking up to jessi barking, and i didn't even hear that. it was a miracle.

when we woke up in the morning, i was sad i had run out of film because krystal sleeping with her arm around jessi was the cutest sight. sigh. guess i should have brought 2 extra rolls of film, not just 1. basically, we got up, ate some quick breakfast, and took everything down. dana and i got taught how to use the axe (another missed photo op!) and we left some firewood for the next people.

we left camp at 10:15, and got home at about 11:30. heather and i proceeded to nap the afternoon away. it was a lovely weekend, which can only be summed up by one picture:



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
