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100 things

truths that she learned, times that he cried
04/14/02 ~ 9:39 p.m.

before anything, read this, which is the story of what happened to my friend sarah. you have to click on the link partially down the page.

then... before continuing, read the previous entry first! (this is a continuation.)

it took us awhile to get organized. i had to drive to my mom's house to go get extra tents, sleeping bags, and chairs. then we all met at the school. there were 10 of us -- heather, travers, me, adam, krystal, tiffany, ken, katrina (ken's girlfriend), dana (katrina's friend), and little steve (another chem-e guy, but not krystal's boyfriend). we arranged the way stuff was packed into the 5 cars, went to albertson's, and by 3 o'clock, we were on our way.

lake beryessa is only about an hour drive from davis, not even any freeways! i rode with little steve, we chatted a bit, listened to music, and tailed up our 5-car chain. in front was ken & adam, then heather & travers, katrina & dana, then kyrstal & tiffany (with jessi the dog). somebody let adam navagate, so of course that resulted in a billion u-turns, which were kinda funny. we finally found our campsite, which was randomly the awesomeest camping site i have ever seen. we had only 15 minutes to unpack the cars and get them out of there so that we didn't have to pay per car. we got all set up, and proceeded to lounge.

i think i'd like to tell a picture-story, since i'm going to get the pictures done at 1-hour while i'm at work, so i promise tomorrow afternoon you will get to see it all. i'll just say a few things:

1. i'm retarded and i fell over myself, resulting in a terribly scratched up leg.
2. there are no good adam stories (at least, not any of the romantically involving me kind) so don't hold your breath.
3. there are plenty of funny drunk guy stories and pictures!
4. i had a really great time and i wish we'd stayed longer.

so the rest of today was spent napping, reading, and eating. another girl stopped by to check out the apartment, and she was cool too. so now i have 3 possibilities, thats cool. i'm in no big rush.

i was just pointed to this tribute site by a guy whose fiancee died this week in a car accident. it's so sad, and so touching. read it.

his tears remind me of the book i'm reading, yesterday, i cried by iyanla vanzant. it's taken me awhile to get into it, it's supposed to be a self-help, uplifting book, and she tells the story of her terrible childhood from the 3rd person. she says some things that are so profound i even highlighted them. i'll drop these words of wisdom on you guys each day for a little while. here's the first one:

unconditional love does not mean that you accept or condone mistreatment. it does not mean you excuse people their faults and frailties. it does mean you see them, accept them, and love them, despite the things you may not like about them... when you give love, you want to feel that it is being reciprocated.
page 213


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
