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100 things

can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome
04/10/02 ~ 11:06 p.m.

eep. i think i need to buy heather a new set of wine glasses. i broke one a while back, but that was ok, cuz she broke a bowl of mine. but i managed to break yet another one tonight, whilst cleaning up the mess i made from baking a casserole this evening.

i just got home from drinking (slash eating) a tapioca express with jeffy and jackson (too lazy to link em, sorry). we chatted in jeffy's pimpin' van beforehand, mostly about how great the van is for sexcapades. this is for you guys:

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

before all that, jenny was here makin' the casserole, i met a new potential roommate (she's cool) and we watched dawsons. next week will be the 100th episode. woo. no matter how hot charlie is, he's no good for joey. aaaaaah. for me! for me!!! if only he'd leave the attitude at home.

when you're dying in america...
you're not alone.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
