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100 things

you're what you own
04/09/02 ~ 9:46 p.m.

zzzzzzzz. need to be in bed.

i shopped today. bought nothing too noteworth. more scrapbooking stuff, of course. but i also wanted shorts, which i found none of. sigh.

i hate this weather. it's sunny for a day, and then cold.

in other news, i painted my toenails pink with little flowers on them -- yellow center, purple petals and green stem/leaves. so it's sandals tomorrow, no matter how cold!!

i'm feeling this intense desire to see RENT again. i listened to the 2nd cd twice today, and i really, really want to see it performed. cross your fingers that they tour this summer.

You'll never share real love
Until you love yourself - I should know

I can't believe he's gone
I can't believe you're going
I can't believe this family must die
Angel helped us believe in love
I can't believe you disagree
I can't believe this is goodbye


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
