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100 things

analyze this
04/02/02 ~ 10:12 p.m.

so. adam. i don't know what to think. i know i'm over analyzing, but hear me out.

i really, really want to get to know him. see what he's like as a person. and i am most definitely not coming on too strong -- i'm not coming on at all! the only thing slightly flirtatous is the smiling while making eye contact that i do when i see him. so i'm wondering if maybe krystal told him, or travers told him, or krystal told steven who told him, and it scared him. cuz i called him on sunday, over a week ago, and left a short, direct message about his band playing at brad's party, and asked him to call back. i still haven't heard.

plus, krystal knows to invite me when he's around, and last night adam turned down coming to watch the game with all of travers' friends because he was having birthday dinner with krystal. and krystal hasn't called me since she got back in town. i was sad i wasn't invited.... but i could be reading way too much into it. it could have been a "just close family/boyfriend" thing. she could be really busy. probably is. i just hate thinking about this so much.

so i know you're all thinking, call him and ask him out!! but really guys, i just have this feeling telling me to go slow. slower than a snail. not to push it, let things happen. we're going to see his band play in sac on friday, so i'll see him then. plus i'm gonna play co-ed soccer with all of them, so i'll see him at least once a week when that starts. if i can just start building a friendship, i'd be happy. then it can lead to more.

the robe i'm wearing (i never wear a robe!! this is my first one ever and my first time wearing it!) keeps giving me whifs of ned. but it's never been around ned, it's from a thrift store and it's been washed. weird.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
