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100 things

the all-new saturday 8
03/29/02 ~ 10:00 p.m.

jasmine puked on my windowsill. again. i fail to understand why she thinks it's good to puke in the windowsill. sigh. better than on my bed or carpet, i suppose.

my room? spotlessly clean. =) why? all my shit is in the living room. it looks like a tornado hit out there. but that is what tomorrow is for.

i have been scrapbooking for FIVE hours. since 5 o'clock. and i am just now getting to the vegas pictures. never mind there is going to be a WHOLE scrapbook dedicated to vegas. then i stil have up though march. i should never let myself get this far behind!!

i got a new backpack today. that may not sound exciting, but it really is. i've had the same jansport since 7th grade. it's been sent to backpack camp once to get its zipper repaired, but its zipper is splitting again. (hey amy and j -- you won't have to worry about splitting the rubberband!!) so i got myself a pretty new jansoprt at costco for $20 bucks. score! it's way fancier than my old one - it's one of the old-school kind with 2 compartments and that's all. it will be sad to get rid of all the memories... all the writing on it in whiteout, all the patches and things hanging off of it.

ok, now for the saturday-8....

  1. Do you celebrate Easter? If you do, tell us about your most memorable Easter memory!
    i always have celebrated it, but only the hallmark-cheesy kind of way. easter eggs, baskets, candy, all that stuff. i do remember an awesome egg hunt at the locl park when i was about 5. tons of people. it was a blast.

  2. Do you like eggs?
    very much. my fave. is fried. i used to love omelets and hate scrambled, but now i think they're both just ok. and i LOVE deviled eggs... even though i don't have them very often.

  3. If you have any favorite recipe that uses eggs as the main ingredient, do you mind to share the recipe with us? If you don't, how are eggs best served according to you?
    no, so see above.

  4. Do you eat any other eggs beside chicken eggs? What are they? (This questions sound stupid, but believe me: Asians eat many kinds of eggs!)
    i've had fish eggs on my sushi! i love them, they're orange and salty and kinda "pop" in your mouth.

  5. Chicken or egg first?

  6. Can you explain why cowards are called as "chickens"?
    chickens are woosies.

  7. ... and why girls are called "chicks"?
    cuz chickens are hot?

  8. Do you have any plan to do this Easter Sunday? Or if you don't celebrate it, any plans for the week end?
    i'm having easter lunch at jenn's grandma's house, and easter dinner at my mom's house. and i hope to have the pleasure of jeffy's company.

seems to be it for today. night guys,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
