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100 things

kudos to jeffy
02/24/01 ~ 2:36 pm

so , i'm at least the tenth person to say this, but it's only because he's such a god:

"thanks jeffy for hooking me up with a pimpin' page! you rule" and stuff.

but seriously, i have a gonzo, a bunch of green stars, and flashy links. go to my home page <----- use it!

anyways, i'm spending this friday night watching high fidelity by myself, and hanging online. then i'm gonna try to sleep this stupid virus off.

i'm counting down the hours till ned arrives. (one week, 1/2 hour). i got us a hotel room today. it's at an extended stay america place. here's a plug: if you stay 7 days or more, the nightly cost is cheaper than even motel 6! AND, they have cable and voicemail for the room and a kitchen with a microwave and stove and fridge and utensils and stuff. i checked a room out and it rules.

they scene where laura has sex with rob in the car after the funeral just happened. i love how she does it- it's so sexy, just hikes her skirt up and climbs over to him. it'll happen to me someday. anyways... i think i strayed.

i'll chat more later. i'm coming up on a nice quiet weekend, without the brothers, just me, my scrapbooking, and movies. love you all.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
