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100 things

03/23/02 ~ 6:20 p.m.

woo. finished finals this morning. got an A- on my second paper, which means i pretty much have a secure A in the class. and my final went well. then i came home, packed all quick-like, and went to see krystal before i took off.

i was running a little late, so i hauled ass in the rain, and made it to louise's house at 8:00. ned was supposed to arrive at 9:08. we got there, and saw that it had been delayed until 10:53. so we sat around the airport for a long, long time. and at about 11:45, he finally arrived. we went home, and louise talked to us until approx. 1:30. then we proceeded to have a wonderful night of talking, touching, and holding. it was really beautiful.

we stayed up until 5:30, then only slept until 7:00, when samantha arrived. we all went out to breakfast, and then they left to drive to san louis obisbo. ned kissed me before leaving, right in front of sam, which thrilled me. he's never done that before. =)

then i drove home, and promptly went to sleep. i slept for a few hours, and then took krystal to the airport. now i am home, online, and hoping brooke will call back cuz she wanted us to go out tonight. i need to wade through all my favorite updated diaries, and maybe eat something. i also have a bunch of pictures to scan for you all, and i think i'm going to organize the pictures page. =)

kinda boring entry, huh? well.. i could have spiced it up with lurid details from last night, but i thought i'd spare you. i guess i can just leave it at... he's an awesome lover and i always come away super-satisfied.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
