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100 things

miracles DO happen!
03/16/02 ~ 1:08 p.m.

ok, this is gonna be quick because i am leaving to go shopping wiht jenny in like 5 seconds.

but first... last night. jenn came over right after i got out of school, and heather and travers seemed annoyed she was here, so i suggested we go somewhere and not bug them. so i called krystal to see if she wanted to hang with us, and surprise!!! she said we should come with her to go see adam's band play.

hell yes.

so we get all prety-like, go meet krystal, take pictures, and head to campus. we got there while the first band, over under, was setting up, so we chatted and hobknobbed and all. adam is such a cutie! =)

the first band was punk, and was really good. jenn loved them. they showed this funny-as-hell skateboarding/prankster video on the screen above them while they were playing, and we were all dying laughing. there was shitting, and crashing into bushes, and puking (i hid my eyes) and much more. and they made a POO DOLLAR. so that's my new word.

then adam's band, solairen, played and we sat right up front. he was so cute, his songs are still good, and he pointed at me while singing "she's a siren in my eyes..." hee. we took pictures, which will of course appear here if they turn out well.

anyways, that was my ramdomly awesome night. this morning jenn and i hit up the sushi boat buffet, and i randomly ran into anton, which is my friend danny's old roommate/ radio show partner, and i used to have a huge 'ol crush on him. =) he's not as cute as he used to be, though.

and that's all, folks. *mwah*


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
