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100 things

cough, hack, gag
02/22/01 ~ 2:07 pm

i may have strep throat. i'll let you know tomorrow. i got a culture today. it sucked. i don't fell very good, but i'm still at work. i can't use up my personal time cuz i am usuing it when ned is here and for when i go to georgia. so i stick it out.

one of my bosses just brought me baguettes from La Bou and won't let me pay!! they are toooo good to me. i really love my job, and i'm going ot be very sad to leave it. i'm gonna offer to them that if they need a programmer after i graduate, to call me and i'll jump on it. they are starting to rewrite all of our central systems, so when i get my degree, i could be very helpful to them. i know the business now, and i'll know code. what could be better?

dawson's sucked last night. they mad eyou think it was a compilation of joey & pacey stories, when they really just showed 2 reruns! the bitches.

only 8 days and 8 hours left.....


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
