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100 things

i'm terrible with these things
03/10/02 ~ 12:28 a.m.

yup. you guessed it. two more:

Look at your blue self with your spoon and polka-dotted bib. Are we a little hungry?
Find your inner rubber ducky.

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?
(letter h was my 3rd match!)

so, basically i don't have much to say becuase nothing too eventful happened today. nothing to make me think, or feel, or ponder.

i scrapbooked, drove to the candle lady's house, and had pizza and watched four weddings and a funeral at jenny's house. now i'm home on the computer. blah.

i'm sleepy. all i am doing tomorrow is computer homework and swing dancing, so not too much sleep isn't that bad. but yet.... i reaaaaaaallllly love to sleep. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
