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100 things

fuck me slowly with a chain saw
02/21/02 ~ 6:35 p.m.

yeah, so today's court date... not so good. the *only* good thing was that we were #6 instead of #83, so we were out of there after 20 minutes. then my parents proceeded to yell at each other while i tried to explain things to my dad and i started crying. my dad is SO awful. i tell him that i'm in debt, school is hard, i'm hardly working, and i got put on antidepressants and he said, "yeah, well, you're not the only one. welcome to the real world."

and if that weren't enough bitchy stuff, he has the nerve to say that it's my mom's fault all of this happened because she was the one who divorced him. when he wasn't coming home every night cuz he was drunk, he got stuck in jail, and he was CHEATING on her. i said, "dad, you had a girlfriend. wouldn't you have divorced her too?" and he said "well, she was the one who filed the papers."

i asked about my younger brother, kevin, how he was and if he liked the christmas present i gave him, and he said, "he's fine. i had presents for you, but you never came and saw me over christmas." fucking A!!! he doesn't even have a phone. how am i supposed to contact him???

so the upshot of the whole thing is that i have another court date, march 25th. during spring break. fun fun. guess it's good i am not going to the convention with ned, huh? yeah. this next court date is supposedly an actual trial, but just before a judge, no jury. goddammit.

i am just so mentally exhausted right now. but i need to lay down and study. mmm... laying down....

wish me luck on my two midterms tomorrow. a LOT more luck than i had today, kay? thanks,


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
