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my week's horoscope
02/05/02 ~ 10:31 a.m.

i forgot to include this in the last entry when i was on my "deep thinking" kick. here's something to think about:

horoscope: this is going to be a mixed-message kind of a week. a curveball is thrown your way and your attention will be on the immediate circumstance that has occured. should i saty or should i go? be prepared to make some decisions concerning a relationship. the tempo is starting to pick up.

ok, i know more than anyone that horoscopes are purposely vague so that anyone can fit their life to them. but even so, i'm still looking at this as... i have to make a decision about a relationship? ahhh. i don't need anymore of this.

my mental state is hindering a paper i have to write. luckily, i only have one class and my doctor's appointment today so hopefully i can make it a good essay. cross your fingers for me, kay???


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
