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100 things

finals are almost here...
12/01/01 ~ 10:10 a.m.

SO sick of school. so SICK of school. so sick of SCHOOL.

luckily, i have one week of classes left, then finals week, then ned is here and i can spend 3 weeks relaxin', sexin' and having a good time. =)

well, his school's football team did make it into the seattle bowl, so i will be in seattle from dec 25th - 28th or something like that. we had said we were not going to vegas because of it, which really bummed me out and bummed out my friends who are going also. but then last night, i had an email from ned asking if we might still be able to go. so i don't know what is up or what he's planning. i really hope we can go. i want to ring in the new years with jenny and mike and heather and travers!!!

i haven't been updating a lot cuz of school, being sick and sleeping a lot, and work. but the good thing is, i have an interview on monday with the company my mom works for, the davis branch. so i *may* be able to leave my job, which would rule. the fun factor has diminished severely there and i'm ready to get out.

today heather, travers, and i have plans to go to the jelly belly factory and the budweiser factory for the free tours. plus i want to buy belly flops (the jelly bellies that get messed up, they sell them for cheaper) and mail them to gerogia cuz they realy want some there. should be fun. but before we can leave, i have some bed making and room cleaning to do. so i'm off.... without reading all my fave. diaries. =( sorry, guys... i'll catch up soon!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
