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100 things

mission [mostly] accomplished
10/07/01 ~ 11:20 p.m.

well... i did most of my homework. i didn't read all my boring history reading, but tommorrow is just a lecture, so i don't really have to finish the other 145 pages till wednesday. oh, and write a journal entry on them. i read my data structures textbook, but for some reason i know not how to do the assignment. i am visiting one of the TA's tommorrow. and i finished my math. yay for me.

i should not be online. i am such a diaryland addict. i don't even have anything important to say, i'm just posting an entry for the hell of it.

heather and i want to dress jasmine up for halloween. she might fit in a extra small dog outfit. that would be so cute.

we made enchiladas and watched 10 things i hate about you (after the 49rs game, of course) tonight. that movie is so delightfully high-school and cute. yay.

i'm currently searching google for alice and wonderland costumes. we've got a whole bunch of people together for halloween and we're going to attempt to have the main cast of characters. should be cute. i'm probably going to be tweedle dum. fitting, huh? [don't answer that].

yeah, so that's pretty much it. i'm tired. *yawn*. goodnight.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
