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100 things

the bean truck
09/27/01 ~ 8:51 a.m.

if i had updated again yesterday, i would have said i had lost all faith in the bean truck.

it doesn't really deliver beans... it's a fancy food service. but i have always called it the bean truck and i always will.

look at the picture above and turn on your gutter brains for a second. yeah....

so this trucking company is based in l.a., i think, so it's not everyday i see one. i get all excited, start squealing, and take pictures of it. i've seen it on some landmark occasions: a special birthday, when i got to dance on stage with everclear. so i've decided that it brings good luck. if i see it, something good is going to happen that day.

i saw it on the way home yesterday, and i was convinced that i was doomed to be depressed for at least a little while. luckily, i went over to my friend's house and we talked, which is what we really needed to do. i'm not saying things are perfect, or that this event will be forgotten, but i'm no longer fearing the death of a treasured friendship.

and then i saw the bean truck on the way to work today. this can only mean two things: that the friendship boat will have smooth sailing AND that heather gets home today!!!!

you'd think that maybe i'd want the place to myself, but no. i'd much rather have heather there, to cook and clean with, to giggle with, to play nintendo with. yay.

when i was plotting this entry, i *was* going to delve into my psyche. i was going to examine why i do things and how they affect other people. it does apply to everything going on in my life, and then maybe you, my readers, would know me just a little bit better. but... my analyzing skills are tired. my self-reflection is dirty and murky. i don't have the energy.

school starts tomorrow. i'm half excited, half nervous. and the nervous is bordering on scared to death. i'm scared because i'm not sure i'm ready for a *real* college, after going to a junior college for 3 years. i'm scared i won't be able to handle the fast paced quarter system, since i've had semesters for 3 years. seems i'm afraid of change. i'm excited to meet new people and excited to get involved in as much computer geekdom as i possibly can. i'm excited to only have to work 2 days a week. so much less driving makes holly happy.

so, i just wanted to let you all know that i'm much better, actually smiling, but still not wanting to be at work. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
