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100 things

it smells really good in my office
09/24/01 ~ 12:01 p.m.

i am at work, with cold hands and a hot brow. i'm contemplating going home sick... but i want to work enough for the drive out here to be worth it. i think i may leave at about 1 pm and go home and sleep. gotta shake this bug.

tonight i plan on scrapbooking. it's supposed to be dawson's creek night with mike and jenny, but jenny postponed me to hang out with brooke. she didn't tell me that either, which makes it seem like she thinks she's doing something wrong. so of course, i get the twinge of jealousy, but whatever. i don't even have the energy to bring it up. *sigh*

so now dawson's night is tomorrow and wednesday, cuz we have 20 more episodes to see before the new season starts. then thursday is the friends premiere (the most important event in my life right now-- who fathered rachel's baby???) and friday i start school. saturday there's a party at al's house. heather and travers should get home sometime in the middle of that mess. and also i am going to help jenn with her moving if she needs me sometime this week. wow... pulled in 10 different directions? but you know i love it! i'd be bored otherwise. =)

my boss just asked me to do something.... so i'm off. see ya'll around....


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
