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100 things

rugburns, crazy neighbors, and orange couches
09/16/01 ~ 9:23 p.m.

i just had an incident in my house. see, i leave the door open for my cat, jasmine, when i let her outside. she's just getting used to it so i only let her out when i'm home and i make sure she's in before i close the door. i was watching a movie, and i had the door open the whole time. so i guess some other cat came in and hid under my bed. so it was locked in. it snuck out when i connected online, and i saw it so i went to go shoo it out. well it saw jasmine and they started chasing each other around, brawling. they managed to trip me, and i have a nice rugburn skinned knee. as i was falling, i screamed so loud i'm surprised neighbors didn't come check on me. i *do* live in apartments. i finally got jasmine locked in my room and i was trying to get the other cat to go out but she'd run away really fast and slam into the glass door with her head so hard i'm sure she has brain damage. so then the brain damaged cat decided that it should rampage my kitchen and climb on top of the fridge. i finally grabbed it and it scratched the hell out of my arms before i could throw it outside into the night.

i am now pissed off because jasmine is still skittish about the new place and going outside and everything and then this? now she's tiptoe-ing around the apartment all crazy like. grrrr.

so --- my weekend. friday i went to the financial aid office and proceeded to let them screw me over more. i am so in that middle bracket where they won't help you out but i don�t have enough money to pay for myself. i'm still looking around for something. i didn't even get one scholarship. bastards.

saturday -- jenn was supposed to call and possibly come over. so i spent the morning waiting for that, watching reruns of beverly hills 90210. jenny called so i went over to her house, bringing my pager so that when jenn called i could be gotten ahold of. i also kept calling my answering machine. jenny and i played nintendo, hung out with her friend al, went to longs, and just had a nice time. i got the message from jenn a little after 6pm, called back, and found out that she wasn't coming. mike came home from work and we all played you don't know jack: the ride and then went to dinner. BUT... i have a crazy story for you all.

so mike and jenny had these nice neighbors, with two kids, a 7 year old and a two year old. they'd lived across from them for about 2 months. well, friday they are moving out in this big haste. mike asks what's going on, and the guy says, "invite me in and i'll show you on the internet". so he tries to explain it to mike -- seems they're part of some religion that says they had predicted this whole world trade tower thing (yes... he *did* bring up nostradamus) and they were making a break for colorado to be with the rest of their.... religion... because they have predicted that all gas is going to be shut off on monday. (and according to mike, there were MANY holes in all of his stories). so when i went to jenny's on saturday, they were scurrying around moving stuff. they gave us tons of plants and food and stuff. i made off with a hanging plant basket thing, applesauce, more plants, and other random stuff. after they were totally gone, we went through their house. they didn't leave much behind, but al did score a cool shelving unit. we also spent some time there at night, with just candles, telling ghost stories. it was spooky.

so... crazy shit. but if gas shuts off on monday, you know i'll be freaked.

today -- i got up, borrowed a friend's truck, and set off on the 3 hour drive to go pick up a free couch that my mom's friend was giving me. my mom had told me it was a pretty nice couch, with a sleeper and everything. well..... the sleeper part is true. that's all good. but the freaking thing is ORANGE. who buys orange couches??? anyways... i drove it back home and had mike and todd (the guy with the truck) help me get this bastard in the door. and it was a bitch. they ended up having to lift it through the back door, over the porch. but it's in now. and it's ugly. but i have a lot of seating. =)

then i went to the grocery outlet that you all hear jeffy raving about all the time and saved myself $40 while spending $60 and getting bucketloads of grocery stuff. now i'm home, still shaking about the cat, sad ned is not chatting anymore and is sleeping, and ready to hit the sack myself.

night, fellow d-landers. i'll return tomorrow morning. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
