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mindless ramblings of a weirdo
09/13/01 ~ 9:13 p.m.

[as quinn said] when is it time to start posting about our daily lives again, those trivial events we hold so dear? i'm going to pick that up again, though i can't promise that all talk of current news will disappear.

my computer is connecting at home, thank god. the hold on my account at uc davis is lifted. my patheic excuse for a junior college *finally* sent over my transcripts. all is well.

i went shopping today. i hate the mall. but i had a gift certificate and i needed some new pants. i have a LOT of work clothes, not many casual clothes. i tend to come home from work and go straight to p.j.'s. so i got 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of drawstring khaki's (olive color). i'm all set. back to school shopping! whoo! now i can get some cuties at ucd. (sorry ned. you didn't read that. oh wait... you don't know about this. good.)

i have no plans for this weekend. *such* a loser. actually, rick may visit, but of course i'm not counting on *that*. he's the biggest flake. he'd use the excuse that he was sent to NY or something (ok, not funny, sorry).

i'm in a weird mood. as demonstrated by my lame-ass jokes. sigh. maybe that's a sign that i need to brusha-brusha and go to bed. nighty night everyone. (yes, i'm aware that it's only 9:30. back off.)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
